Terms of Reference for the Ruvu and Coastal Catchments Water Security Scan
Shahidi wa Maji, Global Water partnership, Wami-Ruvu Basin water board, and University of Dar es salaam implement the “Dar es Salaam water resilience partnerships (DWRP)” initiative to address water security issues through accelerating and demonstrating best practices on leveraging the potential of the private sector ecosystem in Tanzania, particularly Dar es Salaam city. Water security scan (WSS) in RUVU and Coastal catchments is among the essential activities contributing the core purpose of the “Partnership”. The WSS intends to develop the sectors’ (Public, Private, and civil societies) knowledge of the water security status in the catchments and its current and future implications to businesses, humans and the ecosystem; thereby informing essential climate resilient water security actions to mitigate the risks.
We, therefore, seek a dynamic individual, organization or firm with relevant expertise and experience on similar tasks to undertake the above-mentioned study. Please visit here for further details regarding the specific objectives/scope of the study, and application process.
“Water Security is a national Security”